Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome To Basic Cooking School

Basic Cooking School is coming in January 2012.
Welcome To Basic Cooking School. This blog was first created over a year ago, but never went anywhere. It will get a slight makeover in the weeks ahead and is scheduled to launch in January of 2012.

Basic Cooking School is just what it sounds like, teaching people who don't really know anything about cooking, but would like to learn. In hard economic times, you can drastically cut your food budget by learning to cook some meals at home.

The focus will be on the basics: what utensils you will need, simple, easy to prepare meals and dishes you can make in quantity, divide into storage tubs or bags and freeze for future use. There is nothing like having something yummy you cooked yourself waiting for you in the freezer when you don't feel like cooking or don't have the money to eat out.

If you're the type of person who always burns the toast or is afraid you could burn water, then this is the place for you.

Expect two posts a week. One, one the basics of cooking, and then a simple recipe.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Here's to good, economical eating. Welcome to Basic Cooking School.


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